"Malaslah, takde sapa kat sana, nanti atuk tu mesti bersungut je. Semua tak boleh buat' getus Along.
'Haah, atuk tu apa kita buat semua salah' sokong Azim.
Kedua beradik tu sekarang memang malas balik ke rumah uwan mereka sekiranya tiada sepupunya yang lain. Sekarang abah mertua yang sudah tua dan tidak berapa sihat, memang banyak yang tidak kena di matanya. Ada saja komplennya pada cucu-cucunya. Kami ibu bapa ni biasanya buat tak kisah saja, dah paham sangat ragam warga emas ni, cuma anak-anak saja yang kekadang ambil hati sikit. Kekadang bila semua dah berkumpul, suasana dah jadi bising, kepalanya dah pening agaknya... selamba saja dia suruh cucu-cucunya balik rumah memasing..'momokak yo' rungutnya.
Bila time ni, mak mertua pulak bukak mulut.. uwan mula memenangkan cucu-cucunya, mulalah pula berbalas pantun sendiri.... uwan cakap lain, atuk cakap lain....kemudian semua gelak, gelakkan atuk lah tu...(abah mertua sound ada trabel sikit)
'Bialah budak-budak tu nak bomain' kata uwannya.
'Bilo pulak den suruh kau poe lipek kain, kau tulah goma ngubah-ngubah cakap den' lantang suara atuknya.
hahahaha.....kehkehkeh... berderai gelak anak cucu.
Abah mertua biasanya akan tersenyum, 'kau cakap apo tadi' tanyanya balik pada mak mertua.
abah mertua ... senyum terkantoi
Kebetulan semasa kami sampai pagi semalam, hanya ada mak dan abah mertua saja di rumah. Semasa ibuintan sedang memasak, mak mertua duduk bercerita (mengadu juga) tentang abah mertua yang telah mula menunjukkan sikap cemburunya terhadap mak.
Abah sekarang selalu banyak menegur mak, banyak yang tidak kena di hatinya. Mak duduk sensorang dikata termenung jauh, mak duduk di beranda luar rumah dikata menjual muka, mak berbaju cantik ditegur, mak berbual dengan jiran di tepi pagar juga tidak boleh, mak nak ke rumah jiran juga dilarang walaupun untuk menziarah suami jiran yang demam, pendek kata abah nak mak duduk dan berbual saja dengannya.
Mak mertua seorang yang peramah dan suka berborak. Selalunya jika ada jiran yang lalu di depan rumah, mak akan menyapa mereka dan bertanya khabar, ini juga tidak disukai abah tidak kira jiran perempuan atau lelaki, berbanding sebelum ini abah jenis tak kisah. "Naik rimas juga mak" keluh mak mertua.
Sebab hanya duduk berdua, jadi mak ambil kesempatanlah kalau ada jiran yang lalu depan rumah untuk berbual-bual sambil bertanya khabar.
"ontah abah kau, dah tuo pulak nak comburu' kata mak selepas ibuintan memintanya supaya bersabar dan jangan dilawan sangat bila abah mula berleter.
//cemburu tanda sayang...

21 ulasan:
hahaha.. tegolak kek sound trabel tu.
osah tehibur e kan?
orang tetuo ni memang copek comburu. Tak tau la konapo kan? MIL kak pah pun kuek comburu gak tapi comburukan anak..
betul tu...cemburu tanda syg.tapiiiii...leh wat rimas.
Mungkin sebab dia rasa sunyi kalau ditinggalkan.
Tapi kan ayah dan mak kawan kak Zai bercerai diusia yang dah lanjut.
cemburu tanda sayang...hehehhee...saya setujuuuu sangat..hehehe
xpelaa, pak mentua nak lebih perhatian tuu...layannnn je.
assalam.. motuo ok le tu ;)
dah tuo,hormon dah byk yg kurang,penyakit lain lak yg dtg,...hahaha!!!
saund memang dah trabel, tu yang kekojap macam begaduh tu... lain mak ckp lain yang ditangkap ea..
tu lah anak2nya perasan jugak, dah ada perasaan cemburu lak skarang ni
bila dah tua camtu, rimas pulak mak mertua akak jadi nya..
memang lah sunyi tu, tapi apa sangatlah nak diborakkan kalau sepanjang masa duduk berdua saja
memang ada kes camtu, dah tua2 pulak buat hal
Dinda Amy,
memang tanda sayang tapi biar kena gaya, cara, masa dan tempatnya..
cam Amy lain lah, memang kanda tu patut cemburu selalu
Cikgu AH,
mualaikumsalam... nak perhatian lebih tu yang mak mertua tak tahan tu, lebih2 cakap kang boleh lak jadi jalan gaduh... lain yg dapat ditangkap nya
as alam kembalai Maiyah,
lamo tak dengar khabar/
mertua dua2 okey aje, pelik cuma dah pandai cemburu lak skarang ni..
kok lain hormon dah kurang tapi hormon jeles lak datang, susah yo jadi hea
hahaha.....rasa klakar pulak. I dah tua nanti macam mana la pulak ek.
sweetnye mereka
wah, cinta hingga ke anak cucu :)
header ibuintan cantik, rasa mcm kecetekan idea pulak utk buat header matang. kalau ibuintan ada cadangan best jgk. aku cuba buat :)
ii tunjuk root of depressi dah mula ada didlm jiwany.sbb tu dia taksuka bingit, org dtg etc
obssion to control juga..
minta dr ubat sebb ini adalah kerana men-opause.saya ada pakcik dulu masa muda hebat pengarah pendidikan, romeo sana sini.
bila pencen, sakit buang ketumbuhan di kepala/otak, dia jadi kememei.
dia akan jalan keliling rumah pakai kain pelikat menangis teresak esak cakap makck/isterinya tidak hiraukan dia..
padahalnya isterinya jaga makan minum etc... the noise of the hse.
tapi isteri dia ada polio, kaki dua belahrosak dah tua ni makin susah nak jalan polio makin teruk dan nak jalan dulu bleh tempang tempang, sekarang kena wheel chair..
jaga pulak cucu (anak jnis kawin buat anak ceraixxxx)
lepas tu bila check up di hospital puttra jaya mereka beri suntikan hormon setiap 2,3 bulan, dia tidak lagi emo.
bila ada tmbuh balik, operate, dan still on hormon.
dah boleh drive, jemur baju, kemas keliling rumah etc.. takde emo.
satu kes individu lain, mula macam fil awak, tak nak campur org, kemudian ditarik supaya bergaul, dia pulak terlebih bergaul, sampai buat benda yg tak senonoh pulak merayau dan menggatal, hinggalah 2 tahun sudah kaki lemah baru duduk diam diam dirumah.. tapi mulut tak lah kurang, cuma perangai..
tapi perangai individu di waktu lepas isya ni mmg macam macam..
tapi ibu intan belikan mereka minyak ikan pil senang nak makan. supaya dpt membantu tubuh nutrient yg kurang diwaktu badan sudah mula kurang atau tiada lagi mengeluarkan hormon.
lelaki testoterone, wanita- estrogen..
acai berry, codliver oil, utk lelaki dan perempuan..
evening primrose oil /starflower oil utk mil.
(ibuintan sendiri patut makan benda nijuga.. )
sekurang2nya dapat membantu emosi mereka..
lain lain dapat membantu: bawalah mereka keluar dari rumah sekerap yg boleh walaupun ke ulu bendul punya air terjun berkelah, s'ban,bandar pilah, janji ada aktiviti fizikal membuatkan dia bergerak..
atau bawa mereka tidur semalaman di rumah anak anak ..
suruh dia aktif keliling rumah mengemas, berkebun, siram pokok cuci lantai tolong si isteri..
bila aktif dan beriadah natural male hormon akan di keluarkan.. tapi jika sudah men-opause, benda diatas menolong meregulatekan bada.utk ppuan menopause-enopause supplement natural is a source of natural estrogen can reduce the risk of breast cancer, prevent and alleviate osteoporosis menopausal syndrome, and the source of this estrogen comes from foods that contain phytoestrogens and boron, and should be consumed every day along with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, C, D, E, calcium, chromium, folic acid, zinc is contained in many fruits and vegetables.soybeans as a source of natural estrogen that helps menopausal women from the attack of cancer and heart disease. Soluble fiber content of soybean along with others that is lecithin, saponin and phytosterol able to reduce levels of cholesterol in the body, soybean oil also played a role in preventing heart disease..
utk lelaki“male menopause” is the time in a man’s life when the hormones naturally decline.mood changes can take place too. Some patients of mine have complained of nervousness, irritability and even depression. Other patients undergoing andropausal changes report the feelings of wanting to be closer to family and friends. Men often focus too intently on their career, money and power in their earlier life, often neglecting family and friends. In the andropausal years, men and take on a more “maternal” role, as if transitioning to become more motherly than fatherly. They become more concerned about their friends and family, as if regretting their former attitudes. It is interesting that many patients do not sense these changes in themselves, but rather it is women that notice this and tells me that he is undergoing “the menopause”!
In andropausal men, night sweats and palpitations occur because of an overactive autonomic system in response to falling testosterone levels. It is important not to dismiss or misdiagnose physiological changes related to the andropause.doctor may assess for “hypogonadism”, which is in part the clinical basis of the andropause. Hypogonadism means low in hormones like testosterone. The doctor may check for the following in men to confirm hypogonadism:
loss of armpit and genitalia hair
shrinkage of testicle size
loss of libido and impotence
tiredness and depression
muscle weakness and bone loss
Androgens basically create “masculinity” and the loss of androgens such as testosterone leads to physical changes. Women in their post-menopausal years complain of dryness in their vagina, skin and sometimes even a lowering of the pitch of voice. The dryness in the vagina could result in dyspareunia or pain on intercourse. In men, subtle changes occur in the post-andropausal years. The once dashing looks are now exchanged for something much less eye-catching. Hardened muscle disappears and instead, flabby fat accumulates, as one gets older. This distorts the physique from an athletic “android” to one with a beer belly and little muscle. The skin also gets dry, and there is hair loss. Hair loss occurs not only in the scalp, but also in the genital area as well as in the armpit. The testes also get smaller in size. There is loss of height because of osteoporosis and the spine gets curved from wedge compression fractures. It is important to realize that testosterone can maintain bone integrity just like estrogens in women.
The reason for seeing an understanding doctor is that there is potential help available. Some of the physical and accompanying psychological changes may be treated with counseling as well as with certain hormones.
The andropause brings about physical and psychological changes. As the older male ages and undergoes the andropause, he has to grapple with profound changes and issues. These changes bring about stress, and if stress is not managed well, it can be very disabling and even lead to depression. In my book, “The Andropause Mystery”, I described Six Simple Strategies to combat Stress in the Andropause. I believe that these 6 simple strategies can help you manage this aging process graciously. The 6 strategies for a successful andropause is summarized below:
1. Learn to love and reward yourself and others. Much satisfaction can be obtained from not only receiving but also giving. We cannot bring our earthly wealth to the afterworld, and we should learn to reward not only ourselves but also those around us. There comes a point in life where leaving legacies behind become important.
2. Take control and organize yourself. Discipline is important even in the later part of life. In particular, learn not to abuse alcohol and quit smoking. Time management is crucial as well. It is important for instance, to prepare our wills, estate management and advance directives and that is part of organizing ourselves.
3. Exercise yourself. A combination of cardiovascular and muscle conditioning will help delay aging processes.
4. Relax and Rest yourself. The body is changing with aging and there are physiological changes occurring and that he and you should be mindful of that.
5. Feed yourselves- not quantitatively but qualitatively! It is important to eat the right kinds of food to adjust for physiological aging changes.
6. Enjoy Aging and the Andropause. Some things are inevitable, no matter what we do! It is important to be satisfied. Most of us will have to pass through this journey so let us make the best of it. May we make this journey of profound change one also of positive evolvement, and a time of rich blessings for ourselves as well as those around us, as we age graciously through the andropause!
Get plenty of essential fatty acids in your diet. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are particularly important for proper hormone balance. Deep sea (wild caught) fatty fish.
utk adrenals:Asparagus
All leafy greens
Lima beans
Mushrooms, Okra
Olive oil, Onions
Sea vegetables
Soybeans, SproutsMale Reproductive Organs
Asparagus, Beets
Okra, Onions, Parsnips
Radishes, Spinach
Asparagus, Beets
Cabbage, Lettuce
Onions, Parsnips
Radishes, Spinach
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Whole grain cereals
Bananas, Coconut
High Zinc Foods
Pumpkin seeds
Squash seeds
tapi senang je, belikan fil and mil ibu intan minyak ikan codliver oil, omega 3 and 6, makan tiaphari. mula mula 1000mg 2 bulan selang selikan hari makan ..
err ni pun ibu intan dan bapa intan elok makan..suruh mereka makan tahu selalu..
minyak ikan yg jual cap penangkap ikan tu halal, sbb dia pakai gelatin dari sayur atau jagung..
lain alternatif ada juga hala yg jenis kapsule tu..
ok semoga sihat semua...
Hehehehe... sian. Lain cakap lain didengar.
Tapi kalu saya, kan.. suka melayan orang tua macam ni. Borak-borak gelak gelak. hehehehe
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